If you have a story in you, write it. My biggest writing regret is not following through on writing a Bellairs story, and sharing it with Brad Strickland. It’s been 25 years since that letter arrived and I still feel guilty.
World Book Day
Happy World Book Day! Here are some cool images or early writing, readers and book covers from around the internet to help you celebrate the printed word. How do you plan to celebrate World Book Day?
That time I did #TwitterFiction
This year, I won a contest to participate in Twitter Fiction Festival. The week-long event, sponsored by Twitter, Penguin Random House, the Association of American Publishers and USA Today, features well-known authors alongside completely unknown writers who present short stories on Twitter. I opted for a Monte Cristo revenge ghost story set in Savannah. I…
Trying InCoWriMo
This past November I finished my second novel with the help of NaNoWriMo. Not that they are any good, but they exist now. InCoWriMo takes that same spontaneous, seat-of-the-pants, something-is-better-than-nothing impulse to letter-writing. Today I stumbled across International Correspondence Writing Month (InCoWriMo). The idea is to write something on a piece of paper and give…
Remember, remember
November 5th marks the anniversary of the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. A number of discontents planned to blow up Parliament but were caught before they could light the fuse. Guy Fawkes was found in the underground chambers below the building with dozens of barrels of gunpowder. He was tried and convicted of treason, though…