It was an April morning: fresh and clear / The Rivulet, delighting in its strength, / Ran with a young man’s speed; and yet the voice / Of waters which the winter had supplied / Was softened down into a vernal tone. ~ William Wordsworth
REVIEW: THE HOUSE ON THE CLIFF by Charlotte Williams
The narrator is one Jessica Mayhew, a successful psychotherapist. She becomes interested in one of her patients who has recently remembered a childhood memory. He believes he saw his father kill his au pair, throwing her off a boat near the Welch coast. This vague memory has haunted his dreams for a couple of…
Yeah. It’s a bit weird. Still — Happy St. David’s Day.
A Good Word: Balaclava
A balaclava is a piece of headgear that basically just leaves your eyes and nose open, but protects the rest of your head from the elements. It makes one look like a combination of a knight and bank robber. This isn’t a word you hear much anymore, even among skiers and sporting good stores.…