These homes have been saved by a stalwart group of enthusiasts, and are run by a small staff, and determined volunteers. I find the ability to immerse myself in a more specific setting more enjoyable and less overwhelming.
Ye Olde Cemeteries
This trip to London included some very particular stops to see some much beloved authors.
London Calling
I made a list of the weird, out-of-the-way places I wanted to see — old cemeteries, odd house museums, unusual bookstores, hidden architecture spots — and began to draw up my plans.
Notes on Walking Across a Small Island
It is you and the crag. You and the wind. You and the tiny Alpine flower that’s found a sheltered crack to grow in. No guidebook can prepare you for that. This is a series of lessons I learned walking across a small island.
Top Ten Tuesday: Books that take place in another country
Sometimes the best plane ticket we have is a good book. It’s certainly the most reliable time machine (so far). I love reading about far off places, especially ones I want to see for real, someday. Here are some of my favorite books that live in another place.