Pulley creates details with such ease that the reader quickly accepts the ethereal beauty of the deep Andean forest. And she does so while keeping one foot in the reality of colonialism, missionaries, Victorian exploration and commerce. The reader will relish slowly absorbing the magic of The Bedlam Stacks.
REVIEW: The Watchmaker of Filigree Street
This is perfect kind of steampunk. It merely blurs the lines ever so slightly between fantasy and reality. Rather than imagining strange new worlds full of variant species or particle space travel, this book is set firmly in 1880s London. It is foggy, sooty and on the cusp of a new century.
BOOKS for August
I can’t believe August is already here! I feel like I just watched the fireworks for the new year. Down here in the South, the days are long and humid. High noon is spent hiding inside from the worst of the heat and waiting for the cool of the evening. A mint julep, a book,…
REVIEW: “The Three Lives of Lydia” by Delilah S. Dawson
a Blud Short Story, included in CARNIEPUNK Full disclosure: I don’t read romance books. They’re just not my thing. I do however love creepy carnivals and some steampunk literature so I was thrilled to see Crossroads veteran Delilah S. Dawson had a short story included in a book called “Carniepunk.” Let’s just take a…
So, the title tells you just about all you need to know. Knowing the basics, I expected a silly action flick. And it is. The film (and presumably the book, although I haven’t read it) weaves in biographical details about Lincoln into a completely ridiculous tale about vampires. As a boy, Lincoln’s mother is killed…