Books for June

It’s June. Time to find a quiet beach and something to read. After a great college class about the history of religious movements in America, I’ve always been fascinated with the activity that grew out of the so-called “Burned-Over District.” And as a frequent volunteer at a Shaker Village I know there is a great deal to…

BOOKS for April

  Spring is coming slowly this year. It is creeping back from the brink of a brutal, snowy winter. But it is coming. And with it are several interesting titles to read as you sit defiantly on your porch, no matter how chilly it still is.   WILDERNESS OF RUIN by Roseanne Montillo   A…


Based on a memoir/novel/autobiography of a whistleblower at a large chemical company, The Informant! is a quirky comedy that avoids the pitfalls of most similarly-tilted films. Matt Damon plays the protagonist, Mark Whitacre, an uncomfortable chemist at Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM). He is working to solve a problem with one of their components when he stumbles upon…