Time to dive into refreshing summer reads… FURTHER JOY by John Brandon In a collection of thirteen new stories, John Brandon gives us a stunning assortment of men and women at the edge of possibility—gamblers and psychics, wanderers and priests, all of them on the verge of finding out what they can get away with,…
ARMCHAIR BEA 2014 – Novellas & Short Stories
Now it is time to give a little love to those little stories in your life. Share your love for your favorite shorts of any form. What is a short story or novella that doesn’t get the attention that it deserves? Recommend to readers what shorts you would suggest they start with. This book changed my…
ACCENT: SMALL PLATES by Katherine Hall Page
This collection of short stories is quirky, funny and just the right size. Each tale has its own tone but the book wallows the same mood throughout. Page manages to knit together stories that are dastardly and ironic, some with a Twilight Zone twist. The opening story, “The Ghost of Winthrop”, reads like a Mary Roberts Reinhart adventure. Eliza…
BOOKS: for May
Bees are buzzing. Wildflowers are blooming. For every reader there is a meadow somewhere waiting for a blanket and a good book. Here are some new and recent releases for the front porch swing or the secret treehouse. THE SWAN GONDOLA by Timothy Schaffert For those looking for unlikely romance and adventure, consider this novel set…
I’m sure I’m like many people in that I’ve seen Hitchcock’s The Birds but I’d never read the story. In fairness, I’ve read plenty of of Du Maurier’s books and stories, but I sort of assumed it was a written version of the film. And as a cinema student, I’d also seen a couple dozen Hitchcock…