The British Library has gathered stories that include a supernatural detective. Each story revolves around an unusual event, that might — or might not — have a ghostly explanation.
REVIEW: A Surprise for Christmas
Whoever says crime and Christmas don’t go together is just wrong. Editor Martin Edwards has put together a delightful selection of Yuletide crime stories, cheerful enough to put any reader into the holiday spirit.
More Deadly Than The Male
Rudyard Kipling wrote, “For the female of the species is more deadly than the male,” in his 1911 poem. It was not warriors or kings that need be feared, he suggested, but the women who worked in mischievous ways. Here editor Graeme Davis brings together ghostly horror stories penned by women from the long 19th century.
Short Stories and Poems for Halloween [31 Days of Halloween: October 29]
Sometimes a long book to get lost in is exactly what is needed. And sometimes a short story or a hair-raising poem is all you need to get in to the Halloween mood.
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Short and sweet
Short stories and novellas can get lost in the shadow of epic novels and great works of biography, but the compact storytelling form can pack a wallop. Aside from my standbys Poe, Maupassant and Conan Doyle, these are some of my favorite stories and novellas.