{Topic of Choice} No matter what we like to read or where we like to read it, we love reading and we love writing about it. So as a send off for this fantastic week with some of my favorite memes, quotes and pictures of all things literary. I have these and…
COMING IN APRIL – New Titles to Watch For
Spring showers mean rainy days ahead … which means more time for reading. Here are some new books coming out this April. And where better to start than April in Paris… LOVERS AT THE CHAMELEON CLUB, PARIS 1932 By Francine Prose The author begins by telling the reader she was inspired by a particular…
Halloween Reads
You probably know by now that Halloween is my favorite holiday and I celebrate it for weeks. Even when it’s not October, I read ghost stories and gothic novels. But now that the nights are coming on sooner, leaves are crackling underfoot and the air is just a bit cooler, here are some creepy reads…
Paris Review – Dear Paris Review, What Books Impress a Girl? , Sadie Stein
Dear Paris Review, Someone sent me this text message yesterday: “What’s a book I should read to make girls think I’m smart in a hot way? I want to seem like a douchey intellectual instead of my deadbeat self.” What should I tell him? Sincerely, A Paris Review – Dear Paris Review, What…
ARMCHAIR BEA 12: Introduction
Writing once again from Virtual Booth #221b… This will be my second Armchair BEA. ◊ Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? I am a director of a nonprofit performing arts venue in the South. I hold a Bachelor’s in…