For shame! Here are some of the books that have been on my to-be-read list the longest…
BOOKS for August
No wind, no bird. The river flames like brass. / On either side, smitten as with a spell / Of silence, brood the fields. In the deep grass, / Edging the dusty roads, lie as they fell / Handfuls of shriveled leaves from tree and bush. ~ “August” by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Books for June
I’m not really one for your typical “beach read” but I do think summertime give us time devote to reading in a way that we don’t get to most of the year – vacations and camping, longer days, a slower pace of life in general. It’s a good time to dive into a brick of a classic, tackle a series or try a nonfiction in a new topic.
Books for December
In drear-nighted December / Too happy, happy brook, Thy bubblings ne’er remember / Apollo’s summer look; But with a sweet forgetting / They stay their crystal fretting, Never, never petting / About the frozen time. ~ John Keats We are finally moving back into our house for real. There are still some small items to be…
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Thanks
A time for harvest, a time to gather in and a time to remember all we are thankful for. And today, I’m thinking about the bookish things I am grateful for. Books (and reading) are an important part of my life and always have been. I would be a very different person without it. Here…