The moon has always been with us. Even for early humans who didn’t quite understand the universe, the moon was a constant. It pulls our tides and tells turtles when to come ashore and bury eggs. It lights our way and directs our ships. It entrances moths. It acts as a calendar. Fifty years ago, we made it to the surface.
World Book Day
Happy World Book Day! Here are some cool images or early writing, readers and book covers from around the internet to help you celebrate the printed word. How do you plan to celebrate World Book Day?
Weekly Wrap-up: March 18
You can now see beautiful country walks in England on Google Street View. A view of the Margate Shell Grotto, a mysterious garden folly. If only flying were still as luxurious as Pan Am advertised. It’s always nice to know that sometimes the NY Times makes mistakes too. Ken Adams, giant of vast film set design,…