Today’s found photo is a small snapshot of the Chrysler Building in its infancy. It was intended to be NY’s tallest building, until the Empire State Building overtook it. Today, the Empire State Building will officially be dwarfed by One World Trade.
FOUND PHOTO: Goodrich Building, 1939 World’s Fair
From the New York World’s Fair in 1939. Here is a link to some more about Goodrich and the fair.
The young woman is an heir to a lost kingdom in Ohio. The Latoledan family was given tracts of land in the Louisiana Purchase and allowed to keep their autonomy throughout the Revolution and the Civil War. It seems she is the only surviving Latoledan — only because she escaped the siege via a transportation machine she worked on with Tesla.
Mulberry and Prince Streets
It is a slow afternoon in Savannah, as it is often. I found a lovely little link to the New York Public Library’s online digital collection. The only thing missing from sifting through these lovely bits of ephemera are the smells of aged inks and shedding paper. I came across this photo, one I’m sure…