If I had Aladdin’s lamp and the usual three wishes, the first would always be, ‘Give me the first day of June.’ ~ Gladys Taber
The Vanishing Man by Charles Finch
Finch explores Shakespearean rumor, English history, mystery, and a bit of a quest adventure. He winds together the Dissolution of the Monasteries, steamers on the Thames, riddles, and the complicated dance of high society.
ACCENT: The Woman in the Water
Veteran author Charles Finch presents the first in a trilogy of prequels featuring his thoughtful gentleman detective.
Spring forward
Dust off your shelves, throw open the windows and check out these new books for spring.
Books for February
I have every intention of reading and reviewing each of these in the next couple of weeks, but I know that it’s likely a longer timeline. So consider this a preview of things to come, and maybe some of these titles will strike you even without my commentary. All images link to Goodreads page. Different…