There are numerous visual nods to the Master of Suspense and once you start watching for them, they seem to be everywhere, which only adds to the unsettling nature of the movie.
It’s Always Tea Time
THEIC: n. a person who drinks excessive amounts of tea. Legend has it, the beverage of tea was discovered when a few leaves fell in a pot of boiling water in China. Thousands of years later, it is a treat enjoyed by millions of people every day. Though it can be had in many varieties—black,…
Spotlight on Angela Lansbury
Dame Angela Lansbury’s career extended far beyond the shores of Cabot Cove.
Check In and Check Out These Hotels in Film
Here’s a guide to some of the best hotels on film and you can check out these movies. So, pack your bags and decide which will be your first stop.
Silence Is of the Gods: Spotlight on Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton had a physicality that made him seem both invincible and constantly in danger. His nickname of “The Great Stone Face” was earned by his ability to display a lack of emotion despite the chaos swirling around his nonchalant characters.