My latest for DVD Netflix focuses on Alfred Hitchcock’s output during the 1940s, a decade fraught by global war. It was a time laced with suspicion, doubt, daring, and misplaced trust. He knew what plagued an audience’s psyche. These stomach-knotting thrillers use the paranoia and instability of World War II to his advantage.
Val Lewton: Producing From The Shadows
Lewton’s films are seen as prime examples of low budget horror that rely on simple lighting and strong storytelling.
Madcap, Goofy, Bonkers, Enduringly Hilarious: Screwball Comedies of the 1930s
Along with a slew of decadent musicals came a slate of fast-talking, raucous comedies. Divorce-remarriage plots, fish out of water stories, and fierce, funny women all figure in the genre.
Madcap, Goofy, Bonkers, Enduringly Hilarious: Screwball Comedies of the 1930s
Divorce-remarriage plots, fish out of water stories, and fierce, funny women all figure in the genre. These silly comedies of errors have heart, and they are still just as biting and edgy today.
An Atmosphere of Paranoia: Hitchcock, Tension, and World War II
Hitchcock’s most taut, nail-biting output came during the 1940s, a decade fraught by global war. It was a time laced with suspicion, doubt, daring, and misplaced trust.