This year, April 23 marks the 455th birthday of William Shakespeare. From thrillers that will “make your hair stand on end,*” to Broadway musicals, these are not adaptations put to film. Rather, these movies use Shakespeare as a foundation to tell a story relevant to its audience.
Femme Fatales of 1950s Noir
In chilling contrast to the brazen Technicolor musicals of the decade, film noir settled deeper in to dark, shadowy corners. After GIs returned from the war, women were expected to go back to their household duties. Wives who once held factory jobs were expected to put on an apron and smile. For some, it was…
Femme Fatales of 1950s noir
These sophisticated films of the 1950s highlight the noir sensibility and the femme fatale.
Essential Baseball Movies
The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings… Essential baseball films
Val Lewton: Producing from the Shadows
Val Lewton isn’t quite the household name he ought to be. Today, his films are seen as prime examples of low budget horror that rely on simple lighting and strong storytelling rather than special effects makeup or schlocky monsters.