The Shaggy Dog, released in theaters in 1959, was Disney Studios first live-action comedy. It was a departure from their popular animated films. The gambit paid off—it was a huge hit and it launched a slew of wholesome, funny, adventuresome movies from the studio. These goofball comedies, light-hearted family fare, and suspenseful mysteries became the…
Live Action Disney Classics from the 1960s
The Shaggy Dog, released in theaters in 1959, was Disney Studios first live-action comedy. It was a departure from their popular animated films. The gambit paid off — it was a huge hit and it launched a slew of wholesome, funny, adventuresome movies from the studio. These goofball comedies, light-hearted family fare and suspenseful mysteries…
I’m sure I’m not the only one who jumped down her staircase, umbrella in hand, in an attempt to be Mary Poppins. At age four, when I found this did not give me the lift required, I intended to jump from the roof. Luckily my mother was very suspicious of my need for the…
31 Days of Halloween — October 20, 2013
Let’s take a look at some fabulous cartoon villains, shall we…? These are just a few of the iconic villains. What others are your favorite?
I put off writing this one for a few reasons. In fact, it may be too late to influence anyone, but the irritation I felt still lingers. Burton did Alice a disservice. There I said it. I wanted to like it, I really did. I had been excited to see it from the day I…