Divided into historical eras, he introduces each piece with contextual information — leading ideas of the time, societal understandings, and philosophies. Then the writings are left to stand on their own.
31 Days of Halloween – October 19
Of Ghosts and Spirits, Walking by Night, And of Strange Noises, Cracks, and Sundry Forewarnings, which commonly happen before the death of men: Great Slaughters, and Alterations of Kingdomes.
31 Days of Halloween – October 18
the then Duke of Buckingham, to one Mr. Parker, to warn the Duke against something, which, if not prevented, would end in his death; which so fell out (he not regarding the advice) and soon after he was stabbed by on John Felton, an officer.
The Perfect Medium – Photography and the Occult
In the early 20th century, consulting with spiritualists became de rigueur. Everyone from socialites to scientists would sit with mediums in hopes of connecting with the dead. The era was also the early days of photography. The two met in interesting ways.
31 Days of Halloween – October 16
Bones and I, or The Skeleton at Home, is a real book. And you can read it.