August 23, 2012
Today was blissfully uneventful, really. We drove my cousin to Effingham to pick up his truck from an oil change, and after a lunch at Steak n’ Shake, we headed back to the farm. I spent a good amount of time in a chair reading.
PG Wodehouse is always a favorite and I’m so glad I grabbed this one from the library before I left (thanks, Live Oak Public Libraries!).
We decided to eat dinner at the fair and I opted for Taco In A Bag. Then we skeptically took our seats for the evening concert. The line up had 4 acts: Madison Bolin (19 and from a few miles away), Mia Bergmann (14 and from NJ), Jo Caine and headliner Colt Ford. Ironically the local girl was the best — she could sing even if she wasn’t polished. Mia sang pretty well but the machine has gotten ahold of her — and her sound guy was dreadful. After that it became some weird hybrid of very loud, muddy country rap.
I had quickly “had enough” and went to take photos of the fair rides in action.