Late in life Arthur Conan Doyle pursued an interest in the possibility of spiritualism and existence beyond the grave. He was widely criticized for this, but a writer to the Graphic raised a redeeming point: Although we may misbelieve mediums and With doubt and suspicion our minds may be filled, Sherlock Holmes, we must grant,…
Fritz Eichenberg’s Jane Eyre Cover via Victorian Gothic
Fritz-Eichenberg-Jane-Eyre-Cover.jpg 822×963 pixels.
Undershaw Saved!
The home which Conan Doyle built in Surrey has been saved from development! Thanks to the banding together of fans and preservationists around the world. But there is still plenty to do. Please visit the Undershaw Preservation Trust’s site to find out how you can help – from the UK or abroad.
FOUND PHOTO: Wedding Bliss
This photo was found in Cumberland Co. Illinois. I assume it was taken by Northway Studios (Greenup) as they did most of the professional photography in that area. Looks like they have a keyhole shaped filter that they laid over the negative during developing. Look at her cool shoes!
FOUND PHOTO: Couple in Yard
I found this photo at The Paris Market in Savannah. At first glance I thought it was a wedding photo, but now I think it might be a father and a daughter, perhaps for her prom or coming out party.