It is you and the crag. You and the wind. You and the tiny Alpine flower that’s found a sheltered crack to grow in. No guidebook can prepare you for that. This is a series of lessons I learned walking across a small island.
Boston in 36 hours
Boston is one of my favorite cities. Having lived in New England a good part of my childhood, many hours were spent visiting its many historical sites, great restaurants and shops, and sports cathedrals.
Cuba Siempre
Nothing is really new in Havana. The city will celebrate its 500th anniversary next year. During our one day in the old city, we got a glimpse into its past, and its future.
Top Ten Tuesday: Books that take place in another country
Sometimes the best plane ticket we have is a good book. It’s certainly the most reliable time machine (so far). I love reading about far off places, especially ones I want to see for real, someday. Here are some of my favorite books that live in another place.
Top Ten Tuesday: Book Festival Wrap-up
Thoughts on this weekend’s Savannah Book Festival.