How do you use social media to expand your blogging/writing horizons? Social Media is all about networking and connections, and utilizing today’s technology to the fullest. Do you have another blog, maybe a Tumblr? Have a Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook? Or maybe there’s an underrated social media program that you like. I have numerous accounts…
Armchair BEA 2015: Visual Expressions
There are so many ways to tell stories. Whether it’s comic books, graphic novels, visual novels, webcomics, etc, there are quite a lot of other mediums to tell a story. On this day, we will be talking about those books and formats that move beyond just words and use other ways to experience a story.…
Armchair BEA 2015: Introduction
Somehow it is already time for Armchair BEA again! Cheers to the lovely folks who organize this virtual get-together each year. It’s always great fun. Tell us a bit about yourself: How long have you been blogging? Where are you from? I began blogging about books nearly seven years ago. I’d been writing film…
That time I did #TwitterFiction
This year, I won a contest to participate in Twitter Fiction Festival. The week-long event, sponsored by Twitter, Penguin Random House, the Association of American Publishers and USA Today, features well-known authors alongside completely unknown writers who present short stories on Twitter. I opted for a Monte Cristo revenge ghost story set in Savannah. I…
Trying InCoWriMo
This past November I finished my second novel with the help of NaNoWriMo. Not that they are any good, but they exist now. InCoWriMo takes that same spontaneous, seat-of-the-pants, something-is-better-than-nothing impulse to letter-writing. Today I stumbled across International Correspondence Writing Month (InCoWriMo). The idea is to write something on a piece of paper and give…