ARMCHAIR BEA 16: Surviving fictional worlds

Today we’ll talk about surviving fictional worlds. We all know that sometimes, the worlds we love in fiction, can be dangerous. Which fictional worlds would you want to live in? Which worlds are you content to stay behind the glass, so to speak, rather than wishing to dive through the page? And once you get…

ARMCHAIR BEA 16: Beyond the books and the blog

Beyond the traditional form of the novel, what are your favorite alternative forms (graphic novels, audiobooks, webcomics, etc.)? Do you have any favorite works within these alternate forms? How do you think the changing format affects the reading experience? How do you engage in talking about books outside of your blog?   was lucky enough…

ARMCHAIR BEA 16: Aesthetic concerns in books and blogs

How often do you judge a book by its cover? How often are you surprised by what you find? Do you strategize and make sure every book in your series has the same cover design (as far as you are able to) and type? How important is it for the visual art on the outside…

ARMCHAIR BEA 16: Diversity in publishing

The second topic focuses on diversity in books and the publishing industry. Whose voices do we hear? Whose voices do we need more of? Where do we find representation lacking and what can we as bloggers do to address that? What about negative or stereotypical representation?  sing digital formats and self-publishing becomes easier every year.…