Veteran author Charles Finch presents the first in a trilogy of prequels featuring his thoughtful gentleman detective.
Books for November
“November comes / And November goes, / With the last red berries / And the first white snows. / With night coming early, / And dawn coming late, / And ice in the bucket / And frost by the gate.” ~Elizabeth Coatsworth
Celebrating Val Lewton [31 Days of Halloween: October 30]
Filmmaker Val Lewton was hired by RKO to make movies to rival the Universal monster movies that had made that studio tons of money. Lewton took a different approach to the scary movie. With a smaller budget than Universal, Lewton managed to create a slate of psychological, atmospheric films that hold up today.
Short Stories and Poems for Halloween [31 Days of Halloween: October 29]
Sometimes a long book to get lost in is exactly what is needed. And sometimes a short story or a hair-raising poem is all you need to get in to the Halloween mood.
A Question of Reality [31 Days of Halloween – October 28]
What do you do when reality isn’t real? When your perceptions are manipulated? What if it was an evil spirit or a haunted house that was doing it? Some of the most unnerving books are ones where the line is blurred and narrators are unreliable.