Tell us about how you have expanded on blogging in your own unique way. 

About two years ago I upgraded my blog to be the site you see now. It was three (yes, three) separate blogs on blogger. As you can imagine, I became quite tired of managing the different outlets. I sprung for a WordPress site with my own domain name. I’ve found it has helped streamline my brand as well as my content. As an added bonus, there was a learning curve for building a website. Now I can add site building to my resume.

writer-vintage-woman-line-drawing-sm-flippedI’ve always had a hand in freelance writing, and I recently completed my Masters in Cinema Studies. Keeping a page up for my term papers and freelance work is always a good idea. Freelance is a fantastic way to push yourself to write more — and on a deadline. Plus, you can get paid (bonus!$).

And in all my spare time, I’ve been working on a novel.

I think the moral of the story here is always be writing. And when you’re not writing, be thinking about writing. And when you’re not thinking about writing, be reading.