It should be obvious from my imaginary booth number that I love Sherlock Holmes and his ilk.  I should have been born English.  On July 4th, I wish for Reunification Day as much as I celebrate Independence Day.  

All to say, I love the English language.  I love how it sounds, when tailored well.  I love words and I love storytelling.  It may come as no surprise that I was an English major in college — though I very nearly wasn’t.  My first, compulsory English class was miserable and I nearly scrapped the idea altogether.  The next semester there was a class entitled “The Detective and Criminal in Literature.”  We read Poe and Doyle, but I was also exposed to Wilkie Collins, whose vast works I am still enjoying.  It was by no means a “fluff” course, but engaged my sensibilities on a different level.  I am now finishing my Masters in Cinema Studies, which uses some of the same tools to examine storytelling.
By day, I manage a nonprofit.  But a little over a year ago I practically fell into book reviews.  I strive to write reviews that do more than provide a summary.  Rather, I attempt to use my skills as an analyst to tease out themes.  Most of all, I try to make sure my reader knows whether or not THEY might like the book, regardless of how I liked it.  I’d like to think Holmes and Watson would have approved.

I’m blogging from my home in a Historic District near Savannah, GA.  This is my first Armchair BEA, and I’m hoping to “meet” some great bloggers, authors and publicists!