
Aside from having a gorgeous cover, this book is full of lush prose.  The heroine, Florbela Sarmentos, has moved from her native Portugal to pursue a career in art.  She joins the bohemian lifestyle of 1900s Paris and immerses herself in the culture.  Still, she is unable to forget the wrongfully-imprisoned father she left behind — or the assassin who is now on her trail.


The gray afternoon faded gradually into gray evening.  At some point the stopped, and then a little later the clouds simply blew away, leaving a cool, clear night with stars sparkling brilliantly in a sky of deep obsidian crystal.  I opened the window and the fresh spring air rolled intoxicatingly through the stuffy room. I leaned out a bit to fill my lungs, and the world outside had that bejeweled look that comes after a long spring rains: all the fresh greenery and unexpected flowers gleamed with shimmering beads of water.   ~Loc. 2437 of 4845


Paperback: 362 pages
Publisher: Diadema Press (October 31, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0985418230
ISBN-13: 978-0985418236
Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 5.4 x 8.4 inches