I have ADORED Boris Akunin for years.  I mean, at least 10 years; maybe more.  I was heart-broken when American publishers stopped “importing” him.  Last summer, I went to London and stopped in at Daunt Books in Chelsea.  I bought every Akunin / Fandorin book they had.  When I explained to the wonderful staff that I couldn’t get them in America they were stunned.  i wish 3000 miles did not separate me and that lovely shop.

Hopefully this profile in The New Yorker will help bring Akunin, and Fandorin, back to America.


July 27, 2012
Boris Akunin: Russia’s Dissident Detective Novelist
Posted by Sally McGrane

Grigory Chkhartishvili has his best ideas in the morning. When he first wakes up, the fifty-six-year-old writer—who, under the pseudonym Boris Akunin, is one of Russia’s most widely read contemporary authors—might think of a new predicament in which to ensnare his popular hero, Erast Fandorin, the dashing nineteenth-century detective who can see into people’s souls and always wins at games of chance. …

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/books/2012/07/boris-akunin-russias-dissident-detective-novelist.html#ixzz227l5coCI