I read so much, and I enjoy many things for different reasons. It’s hard to call something the “best”. But in the name of Armchair BEA, here goes…
THE DIVINER’S TALE by Bradford Morrow
Very rarely do I become completely obsessed with reading a particular book. Reading in general, sure, but I simply had to know what would happen to the very modern, very approachable characters in this book. Which of course means it is all the more disappointing when the book is actually finished. A terrible catch-22 of book-reading.
Read my review here.
POX: AN AMERICAN HISTORY by Michael Willrich
This one made the cut because I didn’t know a disease could be so fascinating. Of course, it is about much more than a single disease. Rather it is an investigation into social standards, the advance of medicine, and a discussion of the debate still going on 100 years later — the morality of compulsory vaccination.
Read my review here.