So many anticipated titles are released in the fall, which means lots of reading to catch up on for the next few months. Here is what I am working on this week.

THE WONDERS by John Woolf

from the publisher:

On March 23, 1844, General Tom Thumb, just 25 inches tall, entered the Picture Gallery at Buckingham Palace and bowed low to Queen Victoria. On both sides of the Atlantic, this meeting marked a tipping point in the nineteenth century, and the age of the freak was born.

Bewitching all levels of society, it was a world of curiosities and astonishing spectacle―of dwarfs, giants, bearded ladies, Siamese twins, and swaggering showmen. But the real stories―human dramas that so often eclipsed the fantasy presented on the stage―of the performing men, women and children, have been forgotten or marginalized in the histories of the very people who exploited them. From Pegasus Books, November 5, 2019

Chase Darkness with Me: How One True-Crime Writer Started Solving Murders by Billy Jensen

from the publisher:

Have you ever wanted to solve a murder? Gather the clues the police overlooked? Put together the pieces? Identify the suspect?

Journalist Billy Jensen spent fifteen years investigating unsolved murders, fighting for the families of victims. Every story he wrote had one thing in common―they didn’t have an ending. The killer was still out there.

But after the sudden death of a friend, crime writer and author of I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, Michelle McNamara, Billy became fed up. Following a dark night, he came up with a plan. A plan to investigate past the point when the cops had given up. A plan to solve the murders himself.

From Sourcebooks, August 13, 2019. Thanks to E. Shaver’s for letting me borrow the ARC of this one.

The Illness Lesson by Clare Beams

from the publisher:

The year is 1871. In Ashwell, Massachusetts, at the farm of Samuel Hood and his daughter, Caroline, a mysterious flock of red birds descends. Samuel, whose fame as a philosopher has waned in recent years, takes the birds’ appearance as an omen that the time is ripe for his newest venture. He will start a school for young women, guiding their intellectual development as he has so carefully guided his daughter’s. Despite Caroline’s misgivings, Samuel’s vision–revolutionary, as always; noble, as always; full of holes, as always–takes shape. From Doubleday Books, February 11, 2020

The Library of the Unwritten by AJ Hackwith

from the publisher:

Many years ago, Claire was named Head Librarian of the Unwritten Wing– a neutral space in Hell where all the stories unfinished by their authors reside. Her job consists mainly of repairing and organizing books, but also of keeping an eye on restless stories that risk materializing as characters and escaping the library. When a Hero escapes from his book and goes in search of his author, Claire must track and capture him with the help of former muse and current assistant Brevity and nervous demon courier Leto. From Ace Books, October 1, 2019

What are you reading?